Coaching Sessions

1:1 Coaching is incredibly valuable.

It targets specific needs, allows for individuals to work consistently towards a goal and is one of the most effective ways of implementing change.

Coaching can be delivered in person or virtually.

Coaching Sessions

Post-workshop coaching

1:1 coaching is a brilliant tool to offer participants after attending a workshop, in order to embed the learning from the session and also allow time to work on personal development goals.

Individual ongoing coaching

Alternatively 1:1 coaching is a great way to work with individuals on a long term, regular basis. The advantage of consistent coaching is that it allows for an individual to work on a variety of different objectives, gain objective feedback and see the results of their sessions over time. Additionally, this can offer a more private and considered approach for sensitive or more complex situations.

Leadership Coaching

These sessions are specifically for those looking to transform their approach, behaviours and leadership skills. This is an intensive coaching process with highly experienced coaches.

The individual coaching process timeline


30-minute complimentary
chemistry call


Initial skills


Detailed training
program designed

Commence sessions

sessions (minimum 6 sessions)

Complete sessions

Complete a
comparable skills analysis and debrief

30-minute complimentary
chemistry call
Initial skills assessment
Detailed training program
Commence sessions
Commence sessions
(minimum 6 sessions)
Complete sessions
Complete a comparable skills
analysis and debrief

Want to know more about
our courses and services?

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